
I’m quite excited to be talking at CascadiaFest this summer about the work I’ve been doing on scanning the Internet. My talk proposal is archived here. The cool end-results are still getting ready for publication, but one of the code modules I’m pretty excited about that happened in the process is ip2country.

Southeast Asia

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks visiting Southeast Asia. It was my first trip south of the equator, and my first visit to several new countries. I was particularly impressed by Indonesia, which is an incredible place.

I’ve updated this domain to include the new HPKP mechanism and a stronger intermediate cert. HPKP supplements the previous HSTS mechanism to define a specific signing key that must be present on subsequent HTTPS interactions with the server, helping to mitigate one class of man in the middle attacks.

LinuxFest NW

I’ll be talking about what a civic hacking organization looks like at Linux Fest NorthWest in April. Code for Seattle is a brigade of civic-minded hackers. We’ll talk about how we’ve organized hackathons, a weekly meetup, and successfully navigated the government bureaucracy as a small group of volunteers.


Finally got a new server up and running. It’s interesting to go through the setup process every once in a while to see what parts of it are still hardware. I also got to explore some new corners of the process, like dealing with the remote admin interface, and structuring DNS and NICs across multiple… Continue reading Server

Open Tech Fund

I’m excited to be supported by the Open Technology Fund on my research of activist.js. I’ve found myself in highly esteemed company, and hope to live up to goals of program. Will Scott, a graduate student in the Networking Lab at the University of Washington, will continue his work on Activist.js, a tool that helps… Continue reading Open Tech Fund


I got up to Whistler for the first (and likely last) skiing of the season this weekend. It’s been a low snow year – enough that the local areas have already started closing, and whistler had given up on their first lift worth of runs and had manmade snow from mid-mountain down. The skiing was… Continue reading Whistler


Took a bike ride up to the north end of the lake yesterday to celebrate the unusually clement weather. It was great to get outside again.