Gmail Contacts

I’ve successfully shepherded some interface features through launch, and it is now available in the public Gmail! Check out the my ‘official’ blog post!

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Privacy for Chrome

An idea I’ve been toying with for the last couple days is how to mitigate some of the privacy implications of web browsing. The modern browser gives up much more of your information than it really needs to, and the game seems weighted in favor of the advertisers. Especially with the impending ‘ping’ attribute and… Continue reading Privacy for Chrome

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This website is currently not capturing the full extent of my online activity, but these links should at least partially remedy that problem. Cool Things Wishlist Github Projects Google Account

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Fruits of Labor

Most of the work I’ve been doing at Google has been been on my specific project ( ). Now that I’m getting more comfortable with the environment, I’ve been able to branch out a little bit, and one of the results is that I made my first change to google’s open-source javascript library recently:… Continue reading Fruits of Labor

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shorewall & policy based routing

The linux kernel claims to support basic packet inspection in order to detect p2p traffic. One interesting application is that you can split your traffic signature, so that this traffic, which US providers commonly use as a signal for traffic shaping can be encapsulated to a data center, or other intermediary destination. Sadly, while the… Continue reading shorewall & policy based routing

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Senior Bus Trip

The seniors in my dorm took a bus trip over that last four days.  From Los Angeles we traveled north to near Reno, then went across the Sierras to the coast and came down the pacific coast highway through Big Sur.  The views were amazing, and it was a great time spent with good friends.

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Finishing College

I am now one final away from being done with college. It’s a strange feeling. Rather than looking back, it’s more fun to look forwards: * I need to find a way to spend more time in China, so that the time I’ve spent studying the language can pay off. * I need to keep… Continue reading Finishing College

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Slab City

I took part in the bus trip this weekend on the dorm’s new bus. Our route went first to the Palomar observatory, to see the telescope and grounds, and to take the bus up the mountain. From there we traveled down to the Salton sea, a large artificial lake with no inlet or outlet near… Continue reading Slab City

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Cornel Visit Days

This is just a recounting of my visit days at cornell, so that I can keep it fresh in my head when I want to reflect on it in the future. Flight sucked – sat in pain with a migraine between Cleveland and Syracuse – it let up about when we landed, and I’m blaming… Continue reading Cornel Visit Days

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