November 8 – Day of rest

didn’t do that much today, it was bleak and raining or threatening to rain all day.

Wrote out the chinese characters and did the homework. Wrote out my part of a group essay due thursday (a few pages). Wrote out the calligraphy homework for next week and did some math.

Met with my tutor in the afternoon, and read through a newspaper article and then talked with her about school in china. I’m supposed to write a ‘story’ about an aspect of growing up / school experience that is different in china and the US. A really weird assignment, since it begs for a comparative essay rather than a ‘story’.

Spent the evening doing research for my disp online. The wholesale distributors for DVDs are quite elusive, but I was able to find that the wholesale price is 4-5 kuai, and then they’re typically resold for 6-10.

Rebecka showed up in the afternoon with a rabbit that she’d bought of the street. I’m not sure exactly how that’s going to work out…

After the forbidden city tomorrow I’ll try to get out and get some of the things on my todo list checked off, I should have most of the afternoon free, and don’t have much more studying to do.

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