October 16 – Peak

Got up at 6:30, since it was hot in my room and their was a mosquito buzzing around my head. I got a couple bug bites on my face in the night, which was annoying.

Had class in the morning, which was alright.
In class, the teacher said that there had been a big sale going on over at wudaoko to the east of campus, so I biked over there. There wasn’t a sale, but I hadn’t explored the area before, so I walked around during the lunch period.

I stopped by the campus baozi place on the way back to get a quick lunch.

At two was the core class, this one was on business practice, where a business consultant talked to us. She said that she ran a course where she framed strategies in terms of the art of war, and gave a couple case studies on various similarities. One being the milk situation, and another being how foreign car manufacturers infiltrated the domestic market.

After the class was over, the program people showed up and talked to us about the weekend for a bit. We’ll be gone from tomorrow through sunday, so back either monday morning or sunday night. There’s an expectation for us to do research while we’re there, so I’ll be doing something related to my disp, probably looking at the differences in media consumption between city and countryside.

Next was calligraphy. We just talked for the three periods, and went through the older scripts that the original chinese writings were written in. We didn’t really do much besides look at how some basic characters have evolved between the three older scripts.

Next, I came back to the dorm. I wrote out the characters for monday, since I won’t have a chance while I’m away. I had a quick dinner, and then spent an hour doing review with my language tutor.

At about 9ish, after the language practice, I watched King of Kong with max and matt. Max had been wanting to see the movie for a while, and I remember enjoying it at mudd. It was better than I remembered, a very decent documentary.

Probably going to try and get a fair amount of sleep for tomorrow, and the adventure in the countryside.

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