I’m super excited to help out Code for America, by volunteering as a Code for Seattle brigade captain over the next year. The parent organization and local chapter are focused on encouraging Civic Hacking – getting programmers to volunteer time towards improving our local community. This to me is the flip-side of government transparency, where… Continue reading Code for America
I’m spending this fall teaching Computer Science in Pyongyang. It’s every bit as much of an adventure as I was anticipating, and while I don’t understand the culture or individuals of this place yet, it’s certainly different from the preconceived notions I had before coming.
Wandering through China
I spent the remainder of June wandering through the Xinjiang province in China.
I just finished the first of four days biking around QingHai lake in china. The road was pretty amazing, changing from high Tibetan plains to desert to marsh to lakeside. No rain and the temperature was very nice. The route today had a total of one turn over 77km. Our bikes weren’t quite the right… Continue reading QingHai
Google Dependance
I’m spending a few weeks in China, and one of the frustrating developments since the last time I was here is that access to Google services is largely unavailable from many public connections. Notably, both the standard WiFi and the public internet cafes claim to be unable to resolve secure connections to Google. I’m realizing… Continue reading Google Dependance
nginx conditional redirection to php
I recently spent a few hours struggling with nginx to recreate a previous apache rewrite rule. The goal was that for requests with a specific prefix, where the file is not found, redirect the request to a php script to attempt automatic thumbnail generation. My eventual location block looked like location ^~ /assets/ { try_files… Continue reading nginx conditional redirection to php
I’m signed up for the Beginning Korean class at UW this summer. It’s been a decade since I learned a new language from scratch, so we’ll see if I can keep up. The good news is that Korean uses an alphabet, rather than 汉字. The bad news is that korean grammar is difficult, and I’ll… Continue reading Korean
Detecting DNS Censorship without an internal vantage point bit.ly/14Cejju — TinyToCS (@TinyToCS) April 22, 2013
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It’s going to be a busy spring this year. Mar 24. Skiing at Whistler, SOSP deadline Mar 31. NSDI, Chicago. Apr 7. New Quarter TAing Distributed Systems May 12. Of Montreal, Google IO