Will Scott

October 21 – Studying

got up at about 8:30-ish. Did a round of studying through the Chinese. Got through the reading for math, and began working through the problem set.

Went out to the store to get a quick lunch.

Came back, did another round of chinese, wrote out the set for tomorrow, since class wasn’t until the afternoon.

Did work on my disp, got a set of questions written up, and emailed my tutor, we’re going to meet friday afternoon.

Went to class at 2, did grammar for most of class, with some speaking at the end. She told us that the test on thursday would involve us writing out a dialog and memorizing it before hand, so that we could also read it without looking at it.

Came back, studied the new words for tomorrow for a while. Did the homework as well.

Went to dinner with sergio. Got beans with potatoes, rice, and a baozi. We stopped by a milk tea place on the way back to the dorm. Got a kiwi bubble tea.

Did more studying in the evening. Got much of the math homework done, and feel reasonably comfortable with the words for tomorrow. The dialogs these past few days have been annoying, because they have many additional words that we’ve never learned in them.

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