Will Scott

October 2 – Relaxation

I woke up at 7, out of habit more than anything else, which was surprising since I’d been up until 2am.

I continued to deal with the computer stuff I started last night, and geolocated all the photos I posted yesterday. I also moved this website over to my online hosting, so it will hopefully be a bit more reliable, and won’t depend on my home connection.

I showered, had lunch (green beans, tofu, cucumber, rice. It was just fine.) and did some homework.

I wrote up the core class essay due next thursday, then walked outside and took some photos of the campus for the other part of the core homework.

Outside today is much more hazy than when we left. the ending of the olympics has had time to sink in now, and there’s a fairly thick haze in the air.

I hung out for most of the afternoon, got my room organized again, and drank tea. I caught up on world news, read a few articles about the stuff going on in America, smiled wryly.

For dinner a group of us went to a different shitang (dining hall). I got a couple baozi (buns with stuff in) and a cucumber + pepper + meat dish that was surprisingly good.

After dinner I walked over to the student center to see what movies they were offering in the near future. Of interest is that next sunday there appears to be an orchestration of anime themes, which could be interesting. The week after that they are doing a couple different Shakespeare performance, king lear and then taming of the shrew. I can’t tell what type of performance, because they have both actors (and are priced at the live level) but also say ‘in english with chinese subtitles’. I think I’ll get tickets to at least one of them and see how it is.

This evening I hung out with the other program kids. Only two people ended up going to nanjing, and the other 9 are back now. I played Dr. Horrible for them and they all quite enjoyed it.

I’ll probably go to bed pretty soon. Tomorrow will study some chinese, do some math, and talk to some travel agents.

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